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Budget Speech

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Concluding Remarks

85.       Madam President, this is the fourth Budget that I have presented for Hong Kong and also the last for the Government of this term.  I was born and grew up in Hong Kong.  I am honoured to have had the opportunity to serve the citizens of Hong Kong.  I feel greatly encouraged to have witnessed over the past three years that our economy has returned to prosperity, our people's livelihood has been steadily improving, and Hong Kong has regained its vibrancy and confidence.  By displaying resilience and tenacity in the face of adversity, Hong Kong people have worked another economic miracle.


86.       In preparing my annual Budgets, I have adopted a pragmatic approach based on the principle of prudent management of public finances, listened extensively to the views of the community, and borne in mind the long-term interests of Hong Kong and the well-being of our citizens.  I believe that my Budgets have achieved good results in reviving the economy, promoting employment and improving people's livelihood, as far as possible benefiting people from all walks of life.


87.       During my term of office, I have raised some controversial issues, such as the abolition of estate duty, the launch of a public consultation on broadening the tax base and a review of competition policy.  While the community has yet to reach a consensus on certain issues, it is my firm conviction that I am duty-bound to raise any proposal that can contribute to the development of Hong Kong.  Upon taking up office as Financial Secretary, I set myself the objective of reviving Hong Kong's economy.  I am absolutely delighted to see that our economy has now improved so handsomely.


88.       This year marks the 10th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China.  With the vigorous growth of our nation's economy and our competitive advantage in having the Mainland as our hinterland, coupled with our own international outlook, the economic integration between Hong Kong and the Mainland has been deepening.  Because of this, I have full confidence in the future of Hong Kong.  Our people can rise to any challenge.  With solidarity and a determined effort to forge ahead, we will surely realise a bright future for our city.


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Last revision date : 28 February, 2007