Budget Speech

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Introduction 2 - 6
Economic Situation in 2019 7 - 11
Economic Outlook for 2020 and Medium-term Outlook 12 - 22
Riding Out the Crisis Together 23 - 24
Overcoming Current Challenges 25 - 26
Support Enterprises and Safeguard Jobs 27 - 28
Support Employees 29 - 32
Relieve People's Burden 33
Cash Payout 34 - 37
Strengthening the Healthcare System  
Fight the Epidemic 38 - 39
Enhance Services 40 - 49
Developing a Diversified Economy 50
Financial Services 51 - 64
Innovation and Technology 65 - 74
Transport and Logistics 75 - 79
Tourism 80
Trade 81
Professional Services 82 - 83
Cultural and Creative Industries 84 - 90
Nurturing Talent 91 - 102
Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area 103 - 109
Belt and Road 110 - 112
Building A Liveable City 113
Land Resources 114 - 123
Environmental Protection 124 - 133
Smart City 134 - 139
Sports Development 140 - 141
City Development 142 - 146
Caring Society 147 - 151
Revised Estimates for 2019-20 152 - 156
Estimates for 2020-21 157 - 161
Medium Range Forecast 162 - 167
Public Finance  
Deficit Budget 168 - 176
Face the Challenge 177 - 182
Future Fund 183 - 184
Concluding Remarks 185 - 188
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