The 2014-15 Budget
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Budget Speech

Long-term Development

119.    From a long-term point of view, when planning for new town extensions and new development areas, we must capitalise on the locational advantages to provide sites for the commercial sector and other industries.  This will create employment opportunities and facilitate economic development in the areas.  There are seven projects on this front –

(a) in the development plans including the North East New Territories New Development Areas, Lok Ma Chau Loop, Hung Shui Kiu New Development Area, Tung Chung New Town Development Extension, etc., over 140 hectares have been reserved for commercial use and for the development of various industries. The sites are expected to create over 160 000 new jobs, boosting economic activities in these localities;
(b) $60 million has been earmarked for a preliminary feasibility study on the topside and underground space development of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities (HKBCF), covering about 130 hectares, for commercial purposes such as shopping, dining, entertainment and hotels as well as on providing the necessary supporting infrastructure;
(c) tying in with the planning of the three-runway system and the synergy of the Lantau Development, the airport's North Commercial District development will be expedited to maximise the benefits;
(d) the HKBCF will connect with Tuen Mun Areas 40 and 46 via the Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link. Relevant planning and engineering studies have commenced, covering a total planning area of over 50 hectares;
(e) in the Preliminary Feasibility Study on Developing the New Territories North, which covers 5 300 hectares, the potential for economic development and employment creation in the areas around the boundary crossings at Lok Ma Chau, Man Kam To and Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai will be explored;
(f) the study on the East Lantau Metropolis will commence as soon as possible. Consideration is being given to the proposal for building an artificial island in central waters between Hong Kong Island and Lantau Island, to develop a new core commercial district. The new metropolis, to be well fitted with transport and infrastructure facilities, could accommodate a population of several hundred thousand and provide many employment opportunities; and
(g) preparing for the study on reclamation on an appropriate scale at Sunny Bay, and commencing preliminary feasibility studies progressively on other near-shore reclamation sites for the development of various industries and building up of a long-term land reserve

Conceptual Plan of Artificial Island in Central Waters



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2014 * | Important notices | Privacy Policy  Last revision date : 26 February 2014